Criminology focuses on the study of crimes and their causes, effects, and social impact. You’ll learn how to analyze data to determine why crimes are committed and to find ways to predict, deter, and prevent further criminal behavior. You'll study the nature and organization of power and authority as expressed in the policies, agencies and practices of government. Our program examines all levels of security arrangements, from local to international, and emphasizes the theoretical basis for actions designed to protect persons and property as well as ensure justice and liberty.
Below are the course requirements for the Criminology Major:
This does not replace official academic requirements in the university catalog. Enrolled students will work with their faculty advisor to ensure they meet all the requirements of their major.
- CRM 151: Introduction to Criminal Justice
- BSC 200: Explorations in Behavioral Sciences
- BSC 201: Research Methods and Data Analysis
- CRM 491: Senior Seminar
- PSY 101: General Psychology
- SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 310: Intermediate Data Science I
Select 2 from:
- CRM 220: Policing and Law Enforcement
- CRM 221: Corrections
- CRM 362: Juvenile Justice
- SOC 380: Topics in Sociology
- POL 333: Constitutional Law: Power & Structure
- POL 344: Research Methods
Select 3 from:
- CRM 333: Psychology and Law
- CRM 357: Victimology
- PSY 209: Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 310: Social Psychology
- SOC 373: Sociology of Deviance
- CRM 380: Topics in Criminology
Select 1 from:
- BSC 370: Internship in Criminology
- BSC 371: Independent Research Project
- BSC 372: Study Abroad
For a more detailed academic schedule, or to ask questions about any of our majors, contact the Admission Office at admission [at] or (419) 448-2330.

I made many connections and even friends at my junior year internship. The staff at the juvenile court is so great and personable. They were great to learn from and very professional and good at their jobs. The most valuable thing that I learned was how important these people are in our society. Rarely in the classroom do we talk about how the people who work for juvenile probation affect our youth, and they are making such big impacts on these children and their families.

Ohioans to Stop Executions: Is justice served?

Lens into Juvenile Justice class: The Writers in Residence Program